Mission and Vision

Learn about Gapla’s vision for a better future.

A view of a scenic sunset over Gapla (left), taken in Apatin, Serbia (right).

Born from a conflict.
A vision for peace.

Gapla emerged from a long-standing conflict in southeastern Europe. After the breakup of Yugoslavia and the formation of the independent nations of Croatia and Serbia, various territories became points of contention between the two countries.

While there were many territories that were claimed by both sides, a few pockets of land were claimed by neither side. Through the terra nullius principle of international law, the Federated States of Gapla was declared on 28 February 2019. Today, Gapla’s sovereign territory consists of two small pieces of land that serve as a foundation for our dream to create a new country and a better future.

Gapla represents the revival of a region that has been economically stagnant, and one of our many goals is to reconcile local ethnic and linguistic groups to achieve peace and cooperation towards progress. Our mission is to create an innovative, modern and efficient new country that promotes peace and cooperation.

Innovative Governance

Modern systems of governance are slow, inefficient, and often fail to accommodate new ideas. We believe it’s time for to update the way we govern: our innovative, modern governance system fixes many of these problems.

  • A proportionally represented legislature and ranked-choice voting for executive officials allows new ideas to gain a realistic chance of representation at the national level. In contrast, traditional first-past-the-post voting systems often struggle to accommodate fresh perspectives, leading to a competition between two major parties, each vying to be the lesser of two evils.

  • Gapla’s fully digital currency, elections, and government portal allow for efficient and secure access to government services. The ease of voting and accessing government services allows for an engaged, politically active electorate, who contribute to building ideas for the country.

  • Gapla’s governance system is highly local, with each of its five municipalities representing just 800 people. This structure enables the government to better listen to and respond to the ideas of its citizens.
Gapla’s innovative, local governance promotes increased efficiency.
We envision a country where innovation is part of its national identity.

Boundless Opportunities

Gapla’s goal is to become a land of innovation and boundless opportunities. Our innovative system of governance, our small size (just 54 acres!), as well as our principles and values all help it to become one.

  • Gapla seeks to become a land where innovation and entrepreneurship is embedded deeply into education, culture, and values. We believe that government restrictions, while sometimes necessary, often stifle innovation, and seek to avoid unnecessary government restrictions by the mandatory “renewing” of laws, that forces the legislature to keep a check on outdated laws that may be effecting the populace.
  • We believe that welcoming peaceful, skilled immigrants is crucial for creating a country full of opportunities. Immigrants from around the world bring strength, not weakness, to our nation. Gapla stands out because it was not founded with a specific racial or ethnic group in mind. Our national identity is shaped not by how we look, but by our commitment to principles such as innovation, accessibility, and civil liberties.

Trade and Cooperation

Gapla values free, mutually productive trade and cooperation. We advocate for a noninterventionist, neutral foreign policy that fosters collaboration and growth.

  • Our goal is to maintain a position of neutrality that prioritizes progress and mutually beneficial agreements. We do not seek to impose our views on others; rather, we believe that each country’s internal affairs should be managed by its own government and people.

  • We support free trade both domestically and internationally, asserting that protectionist policies are more harmful than beneficial. We believe that domestic businesses should compete fairly with international counterparts to ensure fair competition and optimal progress.
We believe that trade and mutual cooperation will grow our country.
Our discussion-centric, efficient education system will be key to our country’s success.

Education and Development

We believe that education is the most important factor in a country’s development. Our education system will be discussion-centric, efficient, merit-based, and modern, and will ultimately be the key to our success.

  • Our classrooms will have discussions, not lectures. We’ll analyze literature and solve problems, not read from textbooks. We believe that the most effective learning happens through discussions, where students learn the underlying principles of the concept’s discovery in meaningful, instructor-guided conversations with their peers. Rather than traditional resources such as textbooks, we focus on literature and problems, which promotes critical thinking and greater depth of understanding.
  • Gapla’s curriculum will be efficient, individualized, and modern. Traditional education repeats concepts through different curricula and tries to fit all students into one curriculum. Instead, we believe in placing both by achievement and by ability, recognizing that intellectually gifted, typical, and disabled students have very different learning needs, and that one size fits no one. As early as seven years old, Gaplan students will be tracked into dynamic learning paths that are made for them, with innovative learning and progress tracking built through technology.
  • We believe that a merit-based education system is one of the best motivators for academic success. Admissions to competitive schools will be based on academics, not unrelated indicators such as race, ability to pay, or ability to play sports. The motivation that a fair, merit-based education system provides is that there is a real, fair pathway for success, whoever you are.


Citizenship in Gapla is free and is the initial step in joining our community. As a citizen, you can start a business, engage with fellow citizens, and are eligible to apply for the Provisional Government.


Joining the Provisional Government makes you one of Gapla’s visionaries. As a member of the Provisional Government, you’ll be involved in building and planning Gapla, including communicating with the press.


While we aren’t at settlement yet, Gapla is currently offering opportunities for physical contributions, including land surveying, tourism, and camping. These opportunities are limited and available by request.